Mo Diamant Keeper of the Flame
What is FJMC Keeper of the Flame?
Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) is the international umbrella organization for approximately 200 men’s auxiliaries at Conservative synagogues serving more than 20,000 men around the globe. In 2001, the New England FJMC region founded the “Keeper of the Flame” award program to enable each synagogue’s Men’s Club or Brotherhood to honor one of their greatest contributors, someone who inspires us to rise to a greater purpose. Metaphorically, these Keepers of the Flame illuminate the darkness to keep the fires of brotherhood and community burning. The award is the highest recognition a Brotherhood can offer one of its members.
KOF 2022 is Dedicated to the Memory of Dr. Morris (Mo) Diamant
Mo was the paradigm of what service to a community looks like. He exemplified a deep love of Judaism and love of its institutions. He was generous with his time and his money. He was the heart and soul of the Temple Emunah Men’s Club as well as the New England Region of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. Whether the programs were for the Region (Keeper of the Flame, Tour de Shuls, or the Yellow Candle project) or for his beloved Temple Emunah (annual Sukkah building, World-Wide Wrap, Man of the Year, or bringing Rosenfeld’s bagels to Board meetings), Mo took them all on with an unparalleled standard of excellence.
Mo was much more. There were some paradoxes. He was deeply religious, but not frum. He was meticulous in his work (which is good for a radiologist) but had a great sense of humor. One had to listen to his slow meter to only learn he was pulling your chain. He is the person who you want to talk-to every day. Our hearts go out to his wife, Lisa, his children Sam and Julia, Julia’s wife Maya, and granddaughter, Layla. Like you, there is a huge void in our hearts from his passing in February 2022. May Mo’s memory be for a blessing.
New England Region Keeper of the Flame Honorees 2001-2024
B’nai Tikvah
Canton, MA
Edward M Shoenig z”l
Stanley Philip Zoll
Paul Sirk
Joseph Doniger
Cong Agudat Achim
Leominster, MA
Bob Sarafconn
Jack Messing
Herb Jones z”l
Alan L. Bernstein
Norman J. Gould z”l
Cong Ahavas Achim
Newburyport, MA
Michael Pearlman
Michael Fried
Ron Pressler
Barrie Paster
Russ Bernstein
Jerry Litcofsky
Bob Mandel
Robert Kaplan
Rick Linn
Congregation Beth Israel
Worcester, MA
Manouch Darvish
Joseph Cohen z”l
Richard Silver
Morty Sreiberg
Ronald Silver
David Kravitz
Richard Sobel
Howard N. Fixler
Barry Z. Aframe
Richard Traiger
Steven H. Wolfe
Adrian Zeffert z”l
Alan Harris
Saul Slovin
Jay Freedman
Cong Merrimack Valley
Temple Beth El, Lowell, MA
Phillip Wizwer
Sidney Mizner z”l
Howard Schiff
Jerold Golner
Cong Mishkan Tefila
Brookline, MA
Sheldon Strauss z”l
Ronald Sieve z”l
Herbert Lerman z”l
Mel Miller z”l
Jonathan Delatizky
Chuck Diamond
Terry Patinkin z”l
Peter Matusow
Gerald Josephson z”l
Morton Gondelman z”l
Murray M. Gorelick z”l
Joseph H. Miller z”l
David Dembling z”l
David Kaplan
Daniel M. Kimmel
David Rubinstein
Mitchell Selig z”l
Robert Cohen
Michael Sheff
Temple Aliyah
Needham, MA
Neil Sacks z”l
Stephen Baum
Murray Davidson z”l
Larry Cohen z”l
Andrew Newman
Jeff Lesse
Martin Sklar
Arnold Bearak
Gilbert Brodsky
Stuart Altman
Howard Hirsh
David S. Lintz
Bruce Patz
Steve Markman
Harold Dubin
Rick Kramer
Howard Kaufman
Bruce Berns
Fred Borgenicht
Jason Shniderson
Arthur Schwabel
Keith Lewinstein
David Farbman
Temple B'nai Abraham
Beverly, MA
Josh Rudin
Temple Beth Am
Randolph, MA
William Becker z”l
Marshall Silberberg
Paul Greenblatt
Irving Weisberg z”l
Howard Cooper
Scott Belgard
Peter Swartz z”l
Abraham Lookner z”l
Steve Bernstein
Martin Cohne
Barry David Caplan
Stanley L. Jacobs z”l
Douglas Lurie z”l
Floyd Aaron z”l
Jay Wassersug z”l
Jarret Lotto
Harvey Levine
Temple Beth Emunah
Brockton, MA
Arnie Miller
Mark Kaplan
Billy Kracoff z”l
Barry Abrams
Steven Weiner
Ken Goldblatt
Richard Cohen
Larry Strumpf
Dan Goldstein
Leonard Freed z”l
Gary S. Rabinovitz
Melvin H. Spivack z”l
Stanley Marcus
Rabbi H. David Werb
Temple Beth Sholom
Framingham, MA
Aaron Zwicker
Richard Trompeter
Marc Shapiro z”l
Bill Blumsack
Alan Rothman
Ed Broadwin
Paul S. Kaufman
Dave Steier
Herbert Itzkowitz
Gerald H. Brody
Elliot Pozmanter z”l
Stephen Golden
Carl Barnett
Sidney Katz
John Chansky
Jonathan Hochman
Eric Pell
Temple Emanuel
Newton, MA
Harold Parritz z”l
Jack Weisman z”l
Sam Silverman z”l
Frank Aronson
Alan Nissenbaum
Irwin Cherniak
Gergory Kaidanov
Daniel Paisner
Robert N. Brown
Bruce A. Gold
Robert A. Finkel
David Greenfield
David Beckman
Dennis Buchenholz
Marc Lowenthal
Martin Paley
Danny Mandeau
Steven N. Broder
Steve Goldstein
Rick Thau
David Mamon
Barry Bergman
Larry Glazer
Temple Emeth
Chestnut Hill, MA
Richard Gray
Daniel Smolens z”l
Glenn Mamon z”l
Harris Rosenthal z”l
Samuil Manski z”l
David Decter
Harry Tillinger
Herbert Brody z”l
Leonard Catz z”l
Robert Lefkowith
Yefim Kogan
Alan Barron z”l
Joseph H. Schwartz
Phillip P. Cohen
Elliot Mark
Richard Hodin
Scott C. Gladstone
Julian E. Hyman
Joel Katz
Mark Gelfand
Temple Emunah
Lexington, MA
Morris Diamant z”l
Barry Seidman z”l
Dave Shnidman
Garry Feldman
Benjamin Cohen
Mark Druy
Howard Epstein
Jack Karmazin z”l
Stephen Dangel
Shelly Lowenthal
Mark Bobrow
Edward Willins
Howard Reubenstein
David Goldberg
Fred Ezekiel
Joe Nissenbaum
Mike Rosenberg
Hal Miller-Jacobs
Larry Marin
David Srebnick
Harvey Lowell
Scott Lerman
Larry Andler
Buzz Hausner
Temple Israel of Natick
Natick, MA
David Singer
Cary Schwartz
Allen D. Block
Ralph Korenstein
Norm Shufrin
Kurt J. Linden
Mark Needleman
Joel Pravda
John M. Sudenfield
Doug Koltenuk
David Talamo
Philip J. Legro
David Tursky
Rabbi Daniel H. Liben
Jay Salinger
Daniel Zwelling
Jake Barth
Alan Avery-Peck
Temple Israel
Sharon, MA
Robert Zeitsiff z”l
Arthur Spar
Motti Pupkin
Morey Waltuck
Elliot Feldman
Sam Hurvitz z”l
Harvey Wolf
Neal Fineman
David L. Arons
Larry A. Lencz
Irving Kempner
Paul Davidson
Cantor Alan Kritz
Michael Getz
Noah Horowitz
Andrew Fandel
Ron Czik
Stephen E. Shrago
Mark A. Popovsky, MD
Aaron Kischel
Larry Sandberg
Sonny Michelson
Harold Waisel
Steve Rafsky
Temple Ner Tamid
Peabody, MA
Harvey Cohen z”l
Richard Strauss
Allen Talewsky
Larry Shuman
Mark Rudin
Henry Kaplan z”l
Edward Gustat
Mark Lerner z”l
Elliot F. Wyner
Rich Band
Alan Titelbaum
Sumner Feinstein z”l
Todd Levine
Melvin Babner
Morris Sack z”l
Steven J. Ring
Alan F. Lehman
Eric Richman
Mark Lubarsky
Jeffrey Schultz
Larry Malatzky
David Ponn
David Goldberg z”l
Neal Kaufman
Temple Reyim
Newton, MA
Bernard Zigman z”l
Arnie Weisman z”l
Bruce Jacobs
Bryon Rakoff
James Bloom z”l
Alan Radding
David Stollar
Leonard Brick z”l
Stephen Soltoff z”l
Lawrence Saloman
David Carlen
Stuart M. Perlmutter
Stuart Horowitz
Fred Mermelstein
Michael Baker
Ian Marinoff
Richard Brunell
Ari Goldberg
Joel Bloom
Temple Shaare Tefilah
Norwood, MA
Bob Braitman
Leonard Kaster z”l
Stu Zorn
Maury Weiner z”l
Stu Green
Ken Turkewitz
Steven Baturin
Robert A. Backman
Marvin Wolfert
Chazzan Joshua Grossman
Peter Kolbe
Mark D. Sukenik
Ken Gordon (Shaare Tefilah / Beth Abraham)
Temple Torat Yisrael
East Greenwich, RI
Alan Olinsky
Steven Shapiro
Barry Kaplan
David Talan
Alan Field
Lary Norin
Jeff Salk
Temple Emanu-El
Providence, RI
Josh Jacob
Cong Beth Israel of the Merrimack Valley
Rick Pike
Region Honoree
Richard Gray
Philip Platcow
David Kravitz (Community Builder)