Mo Diamant Keeper of the Flame

KOF 2022 is Dedicated to the Memory of Dr. Morris (Mo) Diamant 

Mo was the paradigm of what service to a community looks like. He exemplified a deep love of Judaism and love of its institutions. He was generous with his time and his money.  He was the heart and soul of the Temple Emunah Men’s Club as well as the New England Region of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs.  Whether the programs were for the Region (Keeper of the Flame, Tour de Shuls, or the Yellow Candle project) or for his beloved Temple Emunah (annual Sukkah building, World-Wide Wrap, Man of the Year, or bringing Rosenfeld’s bagels to Board meetings), Mo took them all on with an unparalleled standard of excellence.

Mo was much more. There were some paradoxes. He was deeply religious, but not frum. He was meticulous in his work (which is good for a radiologist) but had a great sense of humor. One had to listen to his slow meter to only learn he was pulling your chain. He is the person who you want to talk-to every day.  Our hearts go out to his wife, Lisa, his children Sam and Julia, Julia’s wife Maya, and granddaughter, Layla.  Like you, there is a huge void in our hearts from his passing in February 2022. May Mo’s memory be for a blessing.